Mirroring of Things and Persons in the Bible
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Reflection of biblical texts on Persons and things
The Rhetorical Figure of Mirroring in the Bible
A stylistic device of rhetoric of the special and most varied kind, because things are mirrored differently. One thing is common to all reflections in the Bible, they are juxtaposed. Chapter to chapter, verses to verses, words to words. The most mysterious reflection is that of persons and other things in one and the same narrative.
Function of Reflections in the Bible
1. interpretations are related to the end time;2. the time of the church reflects the time of the Jews in the last week of Daniel;3. a reflection is fleeting and tells us that it is not permanent (usually);
Reflection of the Judges - Examples -
-Samson reflects with Ehud (therefore Ehud is left): Samson kills 30 men, Ehud kills the king;-Jephta reflects with Bark: Jephta is called by Gilead and Barak by Deborah;-Gideon forms the beginning and middle and end of the prophetic narrative; he is addressed by God personally.
Reflection in Biblical Texts
For this purpose we draw the Greek capital Sigma before the text. The mirror is located in the text between lines three and four. (see also the video: The number 666 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG9EsqVs-UI )
Psalm 132:3-5

Line 1: Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house,
Line 2: nor go up into my bed;
Line 3: I will not give sleep to mine eyes,
mirror line -----------------------------------------------------------------
Line 4: or slumber to mine eyelids,
Line 5: Until I find out a place for the Lord,
Line 6: an habitation for my mighty God of Jacob.
In the first pairing the first and sixth lines are mirrored, in the second pairing the second and fifth lines are mirrored, in the third pairing the lines three and four are placed against each other. The terms:
1st pairing: tent (tabrnacle) and apartment (habitation);2nd pairing: camp (bed) and place;3rd pairing: sleep and slumber.
This type of mirroring is a rhetorical figure called Chiasmus, i.e. the words, phrases or whole sentences are crossed.
Mirroring of words - Chiasmus with two words -
Serach Heres - סרח l חרס - see the video Heres-Serach.
321 l 123
The bar in the middle represents the mirror, the pages are swapped. What is left in the original is right in the reflection and what is right in the original becomes left in the reflection. Look at your mirror image consciously. You will see that your right side reflects the left side in the mirror image and your left side reflects the right side in the mirror image.
Chiasmus with a short sentence in German:
Ich liebe Jesus. Jesus liebe ich. (I love Jesus - Jesus love I).
1 2 3 l 3 2 1
Also here the beam in the middle is regarded as a mirror.
The Bible as a mirror for the reader
Textual reflection is the effect of what has been read on the reader. The personal assessment of the story of Simon and his person reflects one's own heart. If I see a womanizer in Simson, then so am I. If I see an unfaithful servant in Simson, then I have to be asked: Am I Lord. And if Simson is only a chaot for me, using such absurd tools as a donkey chin jaw, then I am the chaot. Or, as a so-called Bible teacher once explained: Somehow the judges all have a flaw, some spleen and yet God uses them. So also that Bible teacher will have a problem with his flaw or his defect. Continue the list yourself and recognize yourself. "Only the sick need a doctor," Jesus once said. Do not be afraid to read the Bible. The Lord reveals in order to heal, makes visible in the mirror of the Word of God the things that God wants to show us.